Empowers a Christian to organize and delegate in such a way that others work together effectively to accomplish good things. This gift provides the planning and coordinating to build programs and execute tasks efficiently. Hebrews 13:7, Judges 3:10, Exodus 18:13-16, Paul12:7
Saint Vincent de Paulwas a great organizer whose abilities enabled him to create a nation-wide charitable network caring for the sick and the poor.
Empowers a Christian to willingly support the burdens of others and care for them to make others' lives easier. This gift provides assistance or relief from distress where it is needed. Matthew 25:34-40, Acts 6:2-4
Like Brother Leo who served as St. Francis of Assisi's confessor & secretary. Who nursed him through illness and was with him when he received the stigmata.
Empowers a Christian to communicate or to understand in forms of communication beyond the ordinary. This gift provides clarity for and connection with others through speaking and/or writing. Acts 2:5-11, Psalm 104:2b-35
Aren't we lucky to have had a woman from a small town in Georgia who could write such impressive works of fiction and the willingness to live her Catholic faith in the mid 20th century south. She was Flannery O'Connor.
Some communications ministry opportunities: Bread for the World, Children's Faith Formation-CGS, DCIA, Diversity, Duke Cancer Patient Support, Durham CAN, Durham Nativity School, Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Immigration Concerns, Lectors, Prison Ministry, Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham, Sister Parish, Social Justice Committee, Student Action with Farmworkers, Tax Preparation, Ushers, YM Chaperone, YM Communications, YM First Communion Assistant, YM Leader, YM Monitor, YM Stop Hunger Now, YO Durham
Empowers a Christian to beautify the physical world through creativity and/or by being "handy". This gift provides a channel through which God's material provision and beauty can reach our neighbor. Exodus 28:3-4, Jeremiah 18:1-6, Exodus 35:35 He worked with wood. He was a simple carpenter. He was Saint Joseph.
Some craftmanship ministry opportunities: Altar Care, Art & Environment, Children's Faith Formation-CGS, Community Garden, Habitat for Humanity SEEDS, YM Communications
Empowers a Christian to nurture others through his or her presence and words of comfort and counsel. This gift provides supportive challenge for others to be the best they can be and to see God's plan for them. Acts 11:23-24, Acts 14:21-22
We see Saint Barnabas, from Acts of the Apostles, whose nickname, given to him by the apostles, means "the Son of Encouragement. His time away from home was accompanying St. Paul on his missionary journeys.
Some encouragement ministry opportunities: Bereavement, Children's Faith Formation-CGS, Circles of Support, Duke Cancer Patient Support, Durham Economic Resource Center, Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network, Durham Nativity School, Habitat for Humanity, Homebound, Hospital Ministry, Immigration Concerns, Pregnancy Support Services, Prison Ministry, RCIA, Respect Life, Urban Ministries of Durham, YM Leader, YO Durham
Enables a Christian to share the faith with others in a way that draws them to become disciples of Christ and members of His Church. This gift provides a passion for witness-in both deeds and words-which helps others establish and deepen a loving relationship with God. Acts 8:26-40, II Timothy 4:5
Saint Catherine of Siena reached out to all levels of persons from the sick, the imprisoned, to the pope, sharing her faith and mercy.
Some evangelization ministry opportunities: Children's Faith Formation-CGS, Lectors, RCIA, Sister Parish, YM Leader
Empowers a Christian to have extraordinary confidence in God's provision, power, and presence and a remarkable freedom to act on that trust. This gift provides a firm trust that God will come through, even when there is no concrete evidence. Hebrews 11 She had unstoppable faith. She faced insurmountable opposition in the reform of the Carmelites. There was great poverty and charges of heresy. She was Saint Teresa of Avila.
Empowers a Christian to give time, talent, and treasure for the work of the church with exceptional willingness and cheerfulness. This gift provides a cheerful channel of God's provision to those in need. 2 Corinthians 8: 1-5, Matthew 6: 1-4
Saint Katherine Drexel is a great example of one who shared her time talent & treasure as she founded schools for Native & African Americans, began a missionary order and gave freely of her available wealth.
Some generosity ministry opportunities: Catholic Charities, Circles of Support, Connections, CROP Walk, Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network, Durham Nativity School, Food Drives, Interfaith Food Shuttle, Meals for the Hungry, YM Stewardship Organizer
Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God's act in restoring health, in a discernible or remarkable way, to people who are sick. This gift provides confidence in the power of prayer and in wellness of spirit, regardless of the condition of the body or mind. James 5: 13-16, Luke 9: 1-2, II Kings 5: 1-3, 9-14
The missionary Saint Francis Xavier was also a healer. His prayers for the sick and healing were essential to his success.
Some healing ministry opportunities: Homebound, Hospital Ministry
Empowers a Christian to be unusually sensitive to the needs of the stranger, the newcomer, and those seeking food and shelter. This gift provides a knack for making people at ease and a welcoming spirit. Hebrews 13:1-2, Genesis 18:1-8 Saint Benedict, of whom many sought counsel, found themselves welcomed. Continuing in St. Benedict's example, today the Benedictines receive guests as though they were Jesus.
Some hospitality ministry opportunities: Bereavement, Catholic Charities, Circles of Support, Connections, Diversity, Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network, Homelessness Issues Subcommittee, Immigration Concerns, Meals for the Hungry, RCIA, Sister Parish, Urban Ministries of Durham, Ushers, YM Hospitality, YM table
Empowers a Christian to be a unique agent of God's purpose through focused and intense prayer on the behalf of others. This gift provides confidence that God acts in response to prayers and a continuing sense of responsibility to pray for people and situations. 1 Thessalonians 3:10-13, 1 Timothy 2:1-2
Saint Dominic spent his days talking to people about God and his nights talking to God about the needs of people.
Some intercession ministry opportunities: Adult Faith Formation, Homebound, Hospital Ministry
Empowers a Christian to be a channel of God's truth through diligent study and intellectual activity. This gift provides a way to better understand God, ourselves, and the world around us. Ephesians 3: 14-19, Hosea 6:6
Saint Thomas Aquinas was a great scholar, theologian, philosopher, and writer. His influence on Catholic Christian theology continues through his teachings and writings.
Some knowledge ministry opportunities: Adult Faith Formation, Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Engaging Spirituality/Just Faith, Food Insecurity Subcomittee, Health & Wellness Subcomittee, Homelessness Issues Subcommittee, Immigration Concerns, RCIA, Social Justice Committee, Student Action with Farmworkers
Empowers a Christian to envision a better future and to share that vision in a way that motivates others to make that vision a reality. This gift provides the energy to direct and catalyze the overall effort. II Chronicles 1:7-12, Nehemiah 2:17-18
Where would the Jesuits be without the leadership of Saint Ignatius of Loyola.
Some leadership ministry opportunities: Bread for the World, Carolina Interfaith Task Force on Central America, DCIA, Durham CAN, Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Engaging Spirituality/Just Faith, People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham, Social Justice Committee, YM Stewardship Organizer, YM Stop Hunger Now
Empowers a Christian to feel exceptional empathy and compassion for those who are weak or suffering and to act practically in relieving the distress. This gift provides the ability to bring genuine comfort and a sense of God's love to those who suffer. Luke 10:30-37, Romans 12:8
Providing free services to the poorest of the poor, Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, has set an example of true mercy.
Some mercy ministry opportunities: Bereavement, Catholic Charities, Circles of Support, DCIA, Duke Cancer Patient Support, Durham CAN, Durham Interfaith Hospitality Network, Engaging Spirituality/Just Faith, Homebound, Hospital Ministry, Interfaith Food Shuttle, Meals for the Hungry, People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, Pregnancy Support Services, Respect Life, Urban Ministries of Durham, Witness for Peace, YM Stewardship Organizer, YO Durham
Empowers a Christian to write or perform music and music programs for the delight of others and the praise of God. This gift provides music that fosters human dignity and refreshes the heart and soul. 1 Corinthians 14:26, Psalm 98: 1, 4-6, Psalms 150:3-6
Think how the music at Mass can inspire you. Giovanni Pierfuigi da Palestrina was a composer of such music, during the 16th century. He started out singing on the streets of Rome. It is said he is the greatest composer of liturgical music of all time.
Some musicianship ministry opportunities: Adult Choir, Liturgical Ensemble
Empowers a Christen to build community by nurturing relationships and the long-term spiritual growth of a group. This gift provides a strong personal focus in supporting the pastor and priests in the pastoral care of the parish community. John 10:1-16, Acts 20:28, I Peter 5:1-4
There was Saint Charles Borremeo who helped guide the final session of the Council of Trent and then afterwards worked tirelessly to implement the reforms, ensuring the teaching of the faith, while supporting the poor and sick.
Some pastoring ministry opportunities: Children's Faith Formation-CGS, Connections, Diversity, Durham Nativity School, Eucharistic Ministers, Social Justice Committee, YM First Communion Assistant, YM Leader, YM Stewardhip Organizer, YM Stop Hunger Now, YO Durham
Empowers a Christian to interpret and apply God's revelation in a given situation. This gift provides the call of God to individuals or a group through inspired words and actions. 1 Corinthians 14:1-5, 1 Corinthians 14:30-33a, 1 Corinthians 14:37-40
Yes, Dorothy Day is whom we look toward for having the gift of Prophecy. She lived the faith without compromise, took vigorous, prophetic stands regarding racism, economic justice and the opposition to war.
Some prophecy ministry opportunities: Adult Faith Formation, Bread for the World, Carolina Interfaith Task Force on Central America, Durham CAN, Ecumenical Advocacy Days, Engaging Spirituality/Just Faith, Environmental Stewardship, Food Insecurity Subcomittee, People of Faith Against the Death Penalty, Religious Coalition for a Nonviolent Durham, Respect Life, Social Justice Committee, Witness for Peace
Empowers a Christian to identify closely with the needs and problems of others. This gift provides a willingness to "pitch in" and do whatever is needed, no matter how detailed or tedious the task. Galatians 6:1-2, Philippians 2:3-8 He ran an underground for Catholic priests in Ireland during the time persecution. He was just the son of an Irish baron. He was Sir John Burke.
Some service ministry opportunities: Altar Care, Art & Environment, Bread for the World, Circles of Support, Community Garden, CROP Walk, Duke Cancer Patient Support, Durham Economic Resource Center, Engaging Spirituality/Just Faith, Environmental Stewardship, Eucharistic Ministers, Food Drives, Habitat for Humanity, Homebound, Homelessness Issues Subcommittee, Hospital Ministry, Immigration Concerns, Interfaith Food Shuttle, Tax Preparation, Urban Ministries of Durham, YM Administrative Tasks, YM Monitor, YM table
Empowers a Christian to communicate so that others can learn information and skills that help them reach their fullest spiritual and personal potential. This gift provides a remarkable ability to explain complex matters in clear, interesting, and memorable ways. Hebrews 5:12-14, Isaiah 28:9-10
Saint John Baptist de la Salle taught in ways we take for granted today. He taught in a classroom with multiple students, rather than with individual instruction. He taught in the vernacular, rather than Latin. He founded colleges to teach teachers.
Some teaching ministry opportunities: Children's Faith Formation-CGS, Circles of Support, Durham Economic Resource Center, Durham Nativity School, Environmental Stewardship, Interfaith Power & Light, Prison Ministry, RCIA, SEEDS, Senior PharmAssist, YM First Communion Assistant, YM Leader, YO Durham
Empowers a Christian to have remarkable insight that enables him or her to come up with creative solutions to specific problems and make good decisions. This gift provides an understanding of God's will and work as it relates to the living of life. Sirach 1:14-19, James 3:13-17, Ecclesiastes 9:13-18
Saint Nicholas of Flue was known for his holiness and wisdom. Leaders consulted him for his guidance and to help make peace, even preventing a Swiss civil war. He was a judge with rare abilities.
Some wisdom ministry opportunities: Adult Faith Formation, Environmental Stewardship, Food Insecurity Subcomittee, Interfaith Power & Light, Prison Ministry, RCIA, Social Justice Committee