What is a St Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Conference? A SVdP Conference is a parish based ministry that is designed to serve people in need, usually assisting with rent or utilities. The conference operates under its own guidelines based on those from the National Society of St Vincent de Paul and that have been approved by the Parish Pastor. The conference stands on its own and elects a president, with additional people serving in various positions such as Spiritual Advisor, Treasurer, Intake Specialists, Visitors, Resource Management, Fund Raising, Secretary, Communications, etc. There are a wide variety of ways that you can serve in the conference.
What are the next steps in forming a St. Vincent de Paul Conference?
Step 1 – Sign up to attend the Information Meetings. Signups will be held after all the Masses the weekend of 9/24-25 and 10/1-2. You can also contact Barbara Prince at (919) 537-8115.
Step 2 – Attend the two Information Meetings on Thursday 10/6 from 6 to 7:30 pm and Saturday 10/15 from 10 to 11:00 am.
At the first meeting on Thursday, you will be given a detailed explanation as to how a conference operates and details on the various positions that enable the conference to function. You will be given a list of these positions, with a brief description and asked to pray during the week to see if you are being called to serve and in what position you may be called to serve. You can apply to serve in more than one position.
At the second meeting on Saturday 10/15, we will do a brief review of how a conference operates for those who may have missed the Thursday session and answer any questions that you may have. You will then be given the opportunity to apply for the position that you felt you are being called to serve in.
Step 3 – Saturday 10/29 from 10:00 to 12 Noon will be the first Conference meeting with all who have responded to serve in the St Vincent de Paul Conference at Immaculate Conception to complete the setting up the newly formed conference. Representatives from the SVdP Conference at St Francis will be available at the meeting to assist you in the process and will be available via Zoom, phone or in person for any follow up meetings.
In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you can explore video’s at
What are the next steps in forming a St. Vincent de Paul Conference?
Step 1 – Sign up to attend the Information Meetings. Signups will be held after all the Masses the weekend of 9/24-25 and 10/1-2. You can also contact Barbara Prince at (919) 537-8115.
Step 2 – Attend the two Information Meetings on Thursday 10/6 from 6 to 7:30 pm and Saturday 10/15 from 10 to 11:00 am.
At the first meeting on Thursday, you will be given a detailed explanation as to how a conference operates and details on the various positions that enable the conference to function. You will be given a list of these positions, with a brief description and asked to pray during the week to see if you are being called to serve and in what position you may be called to serve. You can apply to serve in more than one position.
At the second meeting on Saturday 10/15, we will do a brief review of how a conference operates for those who may have missed the Thursday session and answer any questions that you may have. You will then be given the opportunity to apply for the position that you felt you are being called to serve in.
Step 3 – Saturday 10/29 from 10:00 to 12 Noon will be the first Conference meeting with all who have responded to serve in the St Vincent de Paul Conference at Immaculate Conception to complete the setting up the newly formed conference. Representatives from the SVdP Conference at St Francis will be available at the meeting to assist you in the process and will be available via Zoom, phone or in person for any follow up meetings.
In the meantime, if you are interested in learning more about the Society of St. Vincent de Paul you can explore video’s at
SVdP Stories from St Francis of Assisi
Header: “I have come to bring good news to the poor” was Jesus’ first sermon in Luke’s Gospel. See stories below how St Vincent de Paul is helping to fulfill Jesus’ mission.
1) A Single Mom: We helped a single mother, with two honor students who were facing eviction because she had to use her rent money to repair her car. We were able to help her pay her rent and stop the eviction.
2) The Holy Spirit is clearly helping out: A neighbor called who had been homeless for over a year and had finally managed to get an apartment. However, she had no furniture. She was sleeping on the floor and had seen a mouse and really wanted a bed! We don't normally have furniture, but the very next caller said she had 2 dressers and a headboard, and a friend had a mattress. A member has a truck, but he needed help with the delivery. I sent out a note asking for help, but no one responded. However, the next day in church I went up to a daily mass person that looked healthy. (it was the Holy Spirit as I was scared to ask him). And he said YES!!! What good people go to our church! It was done in two days and the women sent me a picture of her bed and the rest of her new place. She is very thankful!!!
3) Preventing an electrical shut off: We called Duke Energy to pledge a payment for a woman with 2 small children so her electricity would not get shut off that evening. When the customer service found out who was calling, the rep said "Thank you for all you do. St. Vincent de Paul helped me and my son when we needed it. I appreciate what you do." I don't know if we helped this woman or it was another SVdP, but what we do is becoming known.
4) A Medical problem: A single mom who is responsible for her preteen son and her teenage brother was works full time but was out of work for a period of time because of a medical problem. She was out of work longer than she had accumulated sick days and could not pay her rent. The family was facing eviction but SVdP was able to help her with the money she was short to prevent the eviction. She is now back to work.
5) A child custody issue: A neighbor fell behind with his rent because of attorney fees to get custody of his son. He did receive custody. He was in the process of being evicted when he called SVdP. With the help of friends and SVdP, he was able to pay what was owed. He works full time and has always been able to pay his bills.
6) A thank you: We received this note from a neighbor. Thank you so much for allowing God to work a miracle in my life through you. It has been difficult, but I never stop believing that God makes a way out of no way. I pray for the Society that you will continue to be a blessing to God’s people. She closed with a quote from Mother Theresa, “In loving one another through our works, we bring an increase of grace and a growth in divine love.”
7) A mother with seven children, three of which receive special medical care were about to be evicted. She had moved into a Rent Subsidized Apartment before she was approved for the subsidize. She has now been approved for the subsidy but it was not retroactive. First Presbyterian in Raleigh and our SVdP Conference were able to prevent the eviction.
1) A Single Mom: We helped a single mother, with two honor students who were facing eviction because she had to use her rent money to repair her car. We were able to help her pay her rent and stop the eviction.
2) The Holy Spirit is clearly helping out: A neighbor called who had been homeless for over a year and had finally managed to get an apartment. However, she had no furniture. She was sleeping on the floor and had seen a mouse and really wanted a bed! We don't normally have furniture, but the very next caller said she had 2 dressers and a headboard, and a friend had a mattress. A member has a truck, but he needed help with the delivery. I sent out a note asking for help, but no one responded. However, the next day in church I went up to a daily mass person that looked healthy. (it was the Holy Spirit as I was scared to ask him). And he said YES!!! What good people go to our church! It was done in two days and the women sent me a picture of her bed and the rest of her new place. She is very thankful!!!
3) Preventing an electrical shut off: We called Duke Energy to pledge a payment for a woman with 2 small children so her electricity would not get shut off that evening. When the customer service found out who was calling, the rep said "Thank you for all you do. St. Vincent de Paul helped me and my son when we needed it. I appreciate what you do." I don't know if we helped this woman or it was another SVdP, but what we do is becoming known.
4) A Medical problem: A single mom who is responsible for her preteen son and her teenage brother was works full time but was out of work for a period of time because of a medical problem. She was out of work longer than she had accumulated sick days and could not pay her rent. The family was facing eviction but SVdP was able to help her with the money she was short to prevent the eviction. She is now back to work.
5) A child custody issue: A neighbor fell behind with his rent because of attorney fees to get custody of his son. He did receive custody. He was in the process of being evicted when he called SVdP. With the help of friends and SVdP, he was able to pay what was owed. He works full time and has always been able to pay his bills.
6) A thank you: We received this note from a neighbor. Thank you so much for allowing God to work a miracle in my life through you. It has been difficult, but I never stop believing that God makes a way out of no way. I pray for the Society that you will continue to be a blessing to God’s people. She closed with a quote from Mother Theresa, “In loving one another through our works, we bring an increase of grace and a growth in divine love.”
7) A mother with seven children, three of which receive special medical care were about to be evicted. She had moved into a Rent Subsidized Apartment before she was approved for the subsidize. She has now been approved for the subsidy but it was not retroactive. First Presbyterian in Raleigh and our SVdP Conference were able to prevent the eviction.