The Bishop's Annual Appeal supports and gives the people of Eastern North Carolina the opportunity to demonstrate their belief in giving back some of their blessings from the Lord to reach out to those less fortunate. Please know that your gift does matter very much. We can only achieve our potential as God's Church for carrying out the mission entrusted to us if we each do our part.
Your pledge will help the Church fulfill its call to transform our world. You will have the opportunity to pledge at Mass in February. Thank you in advance for joining as one in making great things happen as we carry on the cross of Christ's compassion in our place and time.
If you'd like to make a pledge or make a payment towards your pledge, you may do so online by clicking here.
Please take a moment to view this year's BAA Video
Thank you for your generosity.
Your pledge will help the Church fulfill its call to transform our world. You will have the opportunity to pledge at Mass in February. Thank you in advance for joining as one in making great things happen as we carry on the cross of Christ's compassion in our place and time.
If you'd like to make a pledge or make a payment towards your pledge, you may do so online by clicking here.
Please take a moment to view this year's BAA Video
Thank you for your generosity.