The Sacrament of Confirmation ‘seals’ the graces of baptism and further strengthens a person for a life of Christian witness in their homes, schools, places of work, and in their community.
Young people are confirmed in 10th grade after a two-year preparation program. For further information, please visit the Youth Ministry Page, or contact the Youth Minister, Mariza Mandujano-Ortiz , at (781) 799-0239.Adults who are new to the Catholic faith, are not baptized and are seeking to enter the Church at the Easter Vigil, are confirmed upon completion of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Adults who have been baptized in the Catholic faith, but are looking to continue their formation and are seeking to be confirmed in the church are welcome to join us in our adult confirmation preparation class. We confirm adults at Pentecost and Christ the King. Contact Margie Burton for more information.
Young people are confirmed in 10th grade after a two-year preparation program. For further information, please visit the Youth Ministry Page, or contact the Youth Minister, Mariza Mandujano-Ortiz , at (781) 799-0239.Adults who are new to the Catholic faith, are not baptized and are seeking to enter the Church at the Easter Vigil, are confirmed upon completion of the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA).
Adults who have been baptized in the Catholic faith, but are looking to continue their formation and are seeking to be confirmed in the church are welcome to join us in our adult confirmation preparation class. We confirm adults at Pentecost and Christ the King. Contact Margie Burton for more information.