Immaculate Conception offers numerous social justice and charitable programs to help those in need during the holiday season. Many people come together during this time to help organize these events, especially our staff members and parishioners in Stewardship, Youth Ministry, and organizations like the Knights of Columbus.
If you have any questions about these ministries, please contact:
Margie Burton, Senior Director of Stewardship and Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 281-0724 / (919) 682-3449 Ext. 260 - [email protected]
If you have any questions about these ministries, please contact:
Margie Burton, Senior Director of Stewardship and Faith Formation
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 281-0724 / (919) 682-3449 Ext. 260 - [email protected]
Every Thanksgiving Immaculate Conception collects food and grocery gift cards to help families and persons in need in our parish. Thanks to an amazing collaboration between our staff and parishioners, particularly in stewardship and youth ministry, your kindness and generosity help families in need enjoy Thanksgiving every year.
Last Thanksgiving, our parish delivered Thanksgiving food to 21 families in our community!
Last Thanksgiving, our parish delivered Thanksgiving food to 21 families in our community!
Every year our parishioners generously donate Christmas gifts for people in need from our parish as part of our Advent Giving Tree program!
Our parish's annual Christmas ornament making event has an important social justice dimension! For every ornament a child makes, they make another to donate to Meals on Wheels. The Knights of Columbus make breakfast at this popular family parish event. The children have fun while learning the importance of giving!
On Saturday, December 7th, we will once again be making Christmas Ornaments with the children of our parish. If you have any questions or are willing to help at this event by selecting an ornament to make, getting supplies needed to make about 50 ornaments (you can be reimbursed for the supplies by submitting a receipt), and showing the children how to make the ornament, please contact Margie.
The Knights of Columbus, Council 3390, sponsor a children’s coat collection most years during the holiday season. Collection dates/times are announced each year in our parish e-newsletter, with collection containers placed in our church gathering space. All winter coats are donated to various charities by the Knights of Columbus.
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If you have questions regarding our various JPIC ministries, please contact me directly.
Kennith M. Chiha, Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 682-3449 Ext. 293 - [email protected]
If you have questions regarding our various JPIC ministries, please contact me directly.
Kennith M. Chiha, Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 682-3449 Ext. 293 - [email protected]