Sacrament of the Sick
The New Testament letter of James invites the sick to call for the priest that through the laying on of hands and the anointing with oil, the sick person might receive the consolation of God’s healing and the forgiveness of sin.
Persons who are seriously ill or scheduled for serious medical procedures should receive the sacrament. This can be celebrated at any of the daily Masses or the Friars are glad to come to your home. Persons already hospitalized should ask the hospital pastoral care staff to contact one of the Friars of the parish. The Sacrament of the Sick can be received as often as one’s physical or mental condition warrants. In an emergency, please page the Friar on duty at 919-724-9056.
Persons who are seriously ill or scheduled for serious medical procedures should receive the sacrament. This can be celebrated at any of the daily Masses or the Friars are glad to come to your home. Persons already hospitalized should ask the hospital pastoral care staff to contact one of the Friars of the parish. The Sacrament of the Sick can be received as often as one’s physical or mental condition warrants. In an emergency, please page the Friar on duty at 919-724-9056.