Our JPIC's Promoting Human Dignity ministry's mission is to lift up the value and dignity of every human life, especially those living on the margins. We do this by engaging in service, offering formation opportunities, and advocating to challenge issues and systems which dehumanize God’s children, in our community and our world.
Ken Chiha, Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Catherine Pleil, JPIC Promoting Human Dignity (PHD) Ministry Parishioner Leader
Formation and Advocacy
Book Studies – Lent and summer book studies focusing on Catholic social justice issues.
JustFaith – Small group faith formation programs focusing on Catholic Social Teachings designed to help parishioners deepen their faith, invite learning, and inspire action to address the root causes of injustice while serving with love around contemporary social issues.
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry - Join our efforts to address gun violence in our parish and community through our Promoting Human Dignity team and Durham CAN.
- Contact: Catherine Pleil
JustFaith – Small group faith formation programs focusing on Catholic Social Teachings designed to help parishioners deepen their faith, invite learning, and inspire action to address the root causes of injustice while serving with love around contemporary social issues.
- Contact: Ken Chiha
Gun Violence Prevention Ministry - Join our efforts to address gun violence in our parish and community through our Promoting Human Dignity team and Durham CAN.
- Contact: Theresa Hoke
Racial Justice – Originally formed to address the ways our Catholic faith speaks to the social justice issues and experiences our African American brothers and sisters in Christ face in our Durham community, our group works for justice and empowerment through advocacy, education, healing, reconciliation, and building an authentic, beloved community. We listen to the struggles and the triumphs of people right here in Durham and seek to be an advocate for change in our community and our country.
Homelessness and Hunger
Families Moving Forward – FMF is the primary agency addressing the needs of homeless families and children in Durham. Opportunities include serving dinner to a small group of families on a quarterly basis, being a “study buddy” to a child, or joining a Circle of Support for a family moving into their own home.
Honduras Food Distribution – The Diocese of La Ceiba, with its 13 parishes, serves the northern coast of Honduras under the guidance of Franciscan Bishop Lenihan. In 2020, this region was struck by two major hurricanes, adding to the misery and devastation caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Since then, IC has provided support for families facing food insecurity and extreme poverty.
Saint Francis Builds (SFB) - Work with underserved communities in eastern North Carolina by repairing homes while building community for participants. These trips are an opportunity to renovate homes, restore hope, and reimagine the church. Renovation experience is not required.
Safe and Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Nonprofits
Prison MinistriesPen Pal Prison Ministry - Write letters to a prisoner serving a life-sentence.
Visiting the Imprisoned - Visit prisoners monthly.
Returning Citizens – Join a small faith circle of support for individuals coming out of prison, sponsored by Religious Coalition for a Non-Violent Durham.
Death Penalty Advocacy - Advocacy/education to bring an end to the death penalty.
Additional PHD and Affiliated MinistriesPregnancy Support
Events: JPIC Mother’s Day Rose Sale Pregnancy/Infant Loss Support Ministry This is a new ministry focuses on pregnancy and infant loss. Anyone who has had a loss in pregnancy and/or of an infant is welcome to join, whether recently or years prior.
Remain in My Love (LGBTQ+ Ministry) Monthly meetings that offer fellowship, support, and discussion of issues regarding sexuality, gender, and spirituality in a loving, non-judgmental faith community. All are welcome to respectfully attend these meetings, this includes LGBTQ persons, families, friends and all who want to learn more about being a supportive Catholic to our LGBTQ parishioners.
© All rights reserved.
If you have questions regarding our various JPIC ministries, please contact me directly.
Kennith M. Chiha, Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 682-3449 Ext. 293 - [email protected]
If you have questions regarding our various JPIC ministries, please contact me directly.
Kennith M. Chiha, Director of Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC)
Immaculate Conception Catholic Church - 901-A West Chapel Hill Street, Durham, NC 27701
(919) 682-3449 Ext. 293 - [email protected]